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The cyber world is the modern version of pen pals. We can open our hearts to folks we haven't met in person, folks too far distant to ever meet. One cyber friend did get pumped up for a real meeting. She was looking for true love. She came back disappointed. He wasn't interested in a relationship. Just sex, thank you very much. Well, okay, she thought. We're here. Perhaps the bed could be the first step toward a relationship. But she felt taken. The guy really wasn't interested in future, more meaningful things. Just sex, thank you very much. The sex wasn't that great either. The guy looked 20 years older than his cyber photo. He had a pot belly, which was bigger than his tiny equipment. And his tiny equipment popped too soon. This is a very wonderfull woman coming off a bad divorce. She's very eager to find true love, which means that she is very vulnerable. She quickly met up with a man who also had a bad divorce, but right now is looking for short term pleasures. I'm sad over the episode. Sad for her. She deserved better. But also sad because it reminds me that the passage of time is relentless. We should have learned our lessons by now. It's an imperfect world. Women find themselves adrift after struggling with work and children from diaper days to makeout days, and husbands too absorbed in their careers to be worth a damn in the conversation or compassion departments. Now women are coming off bad divorces with well deserved anger and confusion. They have to play the dating game again at the age when they should be looking toward a long-awaited empty nest with comfortable snuggling in familiar surroundings. We older men keep charging through life as if we still had our youthful bodies and sexual staying powers.We find it harder to keep our ladies happy in bed even with longer seductions, more foreplay, more toys (batteries required). As older men and women, we have dodged fatal diseases, midlife crisis, the bill collector, only to reach the age where we have to finally admit: We don't have all the answers. Hell, we still don't even know all the questions. So I'm very sad. Sad for her. Sad for him. Sad for me. We should have learned all the lessons by now.

New Edition Now Available

The new edition of my ground-breaking travel guide, Mexico Bus Guide is now available.

This is an expanded edition of the original Bus Across Mexico.

The Mexico Bus Guide eBook is only $4.99 for the Kindle.

You can get the original paperback edition of Bus Across Mexicofor $19.95 from Amazon.

The original Bus Across Mexico paperback has sold out 7 times in the past 4 years. Get your copy before it sells out again.

You can discover how to use the Mexico bus system, the world's largest with almost 800 bus companies, by using this unique guide.

Mexico Bus Guide eBook or Bus Across Mexico paperback unravels the details of the 5 bus classes that range from Executive Class with on-board videos, free snacks and wide seats comparable to airline business class, down to Second Class (usually old school buses) and the combi (converted VW vans).

You'll discover how to find and use "hub" cities to get off the beaten path. The unique guide shows you how to save time and money by avoiding airport security lines and expensive rental cars, and napping on overnight buses for long-distance trips.

Check out the preview below this note.



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